長沙aeis考試培訓:新加坡中*教育里,*學校一直都是令眾多家長趨之若鶩的“夢想”。低廉的學費、高質量的教學、完備的教育體系、雄厚的師資力量。所有的國際學生進入新加坡中**學校,必須要通過AEIS考試。AEIS,即Admission Exam for International Students,是新加坡教育部專為引進和選拔國際人才而統一開設的入學考試。時間為每年的九月。
Hey there, my name is Stu and I'm from England.I graduated with an Honours Law Degree from University of Liverpool, but now I am here in Guangzhou teaching English and learning Chinese. I am so excited to be here! I love to meet new people and am very friendly, so please feel free to come and say hello anytime! Both the staff and the students alike have been wonderful to work with since I started here at World English. Although I am a long way from mine, World English is quickly becoming a home away from home!"
Hello Everyone, My Name is John and I have been in wonderful China for 4 years now and it is indeed an honor to teach and associate with all the fantastic students that enjoy learning English. I have many fast learning tips to share and believe that learning should be lots of fun. I often go for hikes with students walking up the Mountain and I believe a day with English is a great way to remember and of course it is enjoyable and fun, ask me if you would like to join me. Well one important message I will pass on now, don't study English....Use it.