

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

有一些英語0基礎的同學們,對于雅思有一些困惑,對考過雅思沒有信心。那么了解下鄭州雅思預測哪家靠譜 給大家梳理一下思緒,讓同學們可以更加清晰準確的學習雅思


預測是猜的,有一定偶然性。還是看看5月12日的雅思口語真題吧!2012年5月12日,鄭州雅思考試在蒙蒙細雨中準時開考。北京雅思鄭州分校雅思口語名師Woody老師冒雨為大家?guī)砹?雅思口語考試的真題,同時也希望涼爽的天氣能讓鄭州雅思考生都考出滿意的成績。1. Describe a children song 2. Describe a kind of animal living in China3. Describe a book you read (again)4. Describe a leader you admire5. Describe a person who gave you money as a gift 6. Describe a positive change in your life7. Describe an teacher you know8. Describe a working place you have seen/involved in9. Describe a movie/film10. Describe a TV program11. Describe a good friend of yours12. Describe an angry . Describe something you lost14. Describe a place/city you want to go for a travel15. Describe a special meal 16. Describe a person who has ever taught you something useful17. Describe the function of . Describe something you want to do if you have enough money19. Describe an important letter you . Describe the ideal job you want to do in the future21. Describe a website22. Describe someone who has offered you something kind23. Describe a family photo24. Describe a place with water/you go . Describe a small business you know26. Describe a bad weather27. Describe an occasion others . Describe a piece of (foreign) music

求鄭州2012年5月26日雅思預測?? ,通過以上的講解希望對你的雅思成績有所幫助!

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